Our First Kenya Tour

Welcome again and lets do it the second time!
Karibuni tena

Performers Without Borders

Our story so far- inspired by words in Swahili. Written by Abi, Tour Co-ordinator

‘Safari’ : ‘Journey’

This tour was a long time in the making.  It is the first time PWB has taken a team to Kenya. I made a trip here last year as a solo teacher, visiting projects and planning the tour.  I’m super-excited to be bringing four talented teachers along with me this time!

P1080205.JPGFresh off the plane; Lillian, Katie, Joe, Abi and Coco

‘Twende!’ : Lets Go!

Arriving in sunny, sticky Mombasa on the eastern coast of Kenya, the whole team had so much drive to learn and create together; interluded only by team ‘mango eating’, and team ‘let’s swim in the sea’ time. Our manifesto included grow, share, express and PLAY! We created our show and shared skills in theatre, improv, club manipulation and acrobalance.


Diani Beach, 30 metres from our cottage

In our spare time…

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